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[11119]Finance Manager (f/m/d)


Job Description

De Onderneming

  • Sector: Commercieel Vastgoed
  • Locatie: België, brede Vlaamse Rand

Onze klant is een vastgoedvennootschap gespecialiseerd in verhuur en beheer van perifeer winkelvastgoed in België en Nederland. Zij verwerft deze onroerende goederen van derden of bouwt en commercialiseert winkelpanden voor eigen rekening.

Het bedrijf is genoteerd op Euronext Brussels en Amsterdam, met een beurswaarde van circa 1 miljard euro, en heeft het statuut van openbare gereglementeerde vastgoedvennootschap (GVV).

Onze klant is marktleider binnen de niche van perifeer winkelvastgoed en had per 30 september 2021 988 panden in portefeuille, gelegen in België en Nederland, met een totaal verhuurbare winkeloppervlakte van 1.176.886m². De bezettingsgraad van deze panden, gemeten in verhuurde m², bedroeg 97,61%.

De reële waarde van de geconsolideerde vastgoedportefeuille werd per 30 september 2021 door onafhankelijke vastgoeddeskundigen geschat op 1.725,16 mio EUR.

De belangrijkste doelstelling voor onze klant is het samenstellen, beheren en uitbreiden van een gediversifieerde portefeuille perifeer winkelvastgoed, die door locatiekeuze en de kwaliteit en diversificatie van de huurders op lange termijn een bestendige groei verzekert. De vooropgestelde groei betreft zowel de waarde van het patrimonium als de inkomsten die uit de verhuring gegenereerd worden.

Op korte termijn worden de bovengenoemde doelstellingen nagestreefd door de bewaking van de bezettingsgraad van de portefeuille, het huurincasso en de onderhoud- en beheerskosten. Door het selectief aankopen en bouwen van winkelpanden op zorgvuldig uitgekozen locaties (zgn. retailclusters en retailparken) wordt beoogd het beheer van de portefeuille te vereenvoudigen en de waarde op te drijven. Op dit ogenblik hebben zij 78 clusters geïdentificeerd waar het zijn investeringen systematisch opdrijft. Deze vertegenwoordigen 68,55% van de portefeuille.

Sinds 2017 breidde onze klant haar investeringen uit naar Nederland waar ze marktleider is met een portefeuille van ongeveer 500 mio euro. Dit heeft een belangrijke groei met zich meegebracht en het is de ambitie om de komende jaren in te zetten op verdere  expansie, mogelijks internationaal.

Om bovenstaande doelstellingen te ondersteunen is de Finance afdeling momenteel op zoek naar een ervaren en gedreven Finance Manager.

De Rol

De Finance Manager is de leidinggevende binnen de afdeling financiële administratie en de eindverantwoordelijke voor de boekhouding en de voorbereiding van de fiscale aangiftes van de onderneming en alle onderliggende vennootschappen in België en Nederland. De administratie voor Nederland gebeurt immers ook volledig vanuit de Belgische hoofdzetel.

De Finance Manager zorgt voor een zo goed mogelijke inrichting van de administratie en administratieve processen en stuurt dagelijks de financiële administratie aan, bestaande uit een team van boekhouders, debiteuren- en crediteurenbeheerders.

Daarnaast wordt ook van de Finance Manager verwacht om ad hoc projecten voor de verdere professionalisering en automatisering van de finance afdeling te initiëren, op te volgen en aan te sturen.

De Finance Manager vervult een sleutelrol in het adviseren van de CFO en collega’s bij financiële vragen. De Finance Manager rapporteert rechtstreeks aan het management en werkt samen met alle afdelingen binnen het bedrijf. Buiten de eigen organisatie worden ook contacten onderhouden met externe stakeholders (o.a. financiële instanties, externe auditor, consultants, enz.).

De gezochte Finance Manager is een natuurlijke leider, werkt gestructureerd en gedetailleerd, beheerst de kneepjes van het boekhouden en financiële rapportering, is probleemoplossend en assertief ingesteld, weet hoe met deadlines om te gaan, kan vlot schakelen tussen operationele werkzaamheden, en tactische en strategische vraagstukken en kan gepast communiceren met alle medewerkers in het team, onafhankelijk van het verschil in denk- of opleidingsniveau.

De rol is uitdagend, veelzijdig, people en project gedreven. Onze klant is daarom op zoek naar een allround, ervaren en resultaat gedreven people manager met de ambitie om mee te schrijven aan de verdere groei van het bedrijf, ondernemend ingesteld en coordinator in hart en nieren, gecombineerd met een openheid en transparantie die passen bij de cultuur van een dynamische Belgische onderneming die voortdurend in beweging is en waarvan de vennootschapsstructuur veelvuldig wijzigt.

Taken en Verantwoordelijkheden

De Finance Manager:

  • is verantwoordelijk voor een betrouwbare, volledige en tijdige vastlegging van de financiële bedrijfsadministratie voor de verschillende vennootschappen in België en Nederland, zodat alle interne en externe betrokkenen op het juiste moment de correcte informatie hebben. Daaronder valt het zorgen voor een tijdige maand- en jaarafsluiting, het opstellen van geconsolideerde jaarrekeningen, fiscale aangiftes en managementrapportages en bijdragen aan maand-, kwartaal- en jaarverslagen;
  • draagt bij aan het succes en het professionaliseren van de groep door het identificeren en implementeren van verbeteropportuniteiten binnen de financiële afdeling op vlak van organisatie, gebruik van systemen en processen. Voorbeelden zijn de verdere informatisering en digitalisering van financiële processen (SAP), het optimaliseren en versnellen van de maandafsluiting (fast close), fine-tunen van interne rapporteringen, de integratie van nieuwe (buitenlandse) portefeuilles en/of vennootschappen in de boekhouding en rapportering, enz.;
  • geeft leiding en coaching aan de afdeling financiële administratie bestaande uit 6 medewerkers  en zorgt voor een  goede afstemming en samenwerking  met de Controller en Reporting Manager;
  • verzekert de compliance met de relevante wettelijke vereisten en de algemeen aanvaarde normen, standaarden en principes;
  • bewaakt en analyseert de financiën en adviseert bij financieel-administratieve en fiscale vragen van het management, de Controller en Reporting Manager;
  • zorgt in samenwerking met de CFO voor de vaststelling en handhaving van de gepaste boekhoudmethoden, - grondslagen en principes alsook voor een proactief en geoptimaliseerd fiscaal beleid;
  • bereidt voor, coördineert en volgt de jaarlijkse externe audit op;
  • denkt en werkt afdelingsoverschrijdend en biedt ondersteuning aan de verschillende afdelingen en medewerkers binnen de organisatie; 
  • stuurt relaties aan met externe stakeholders en raadgevers waaronder bedrijfsrevisoren, fiscale en financiële instanties, toezichtsautoriteiten (FSMA), enz.

Ervaring en Kwalificaties

Als Finance Manager beschik je over de volgende ervaring en kwalificaties:

  • hoger opleidingsniveau (Master) in een economische richting, met specialisatie Accountancy & Fiscaliteit als een plus;
  • +/- 8 jaar ervaring waarvan minstens 6 jaar externe financiële auditervaring gecombineerd met een relevante lijnmanagement rol (bv. Accounting Manager/Finance Manager) in een dynamische omgeving;
  • uitstekend bedrijfseconomisch inzicht en kennis van financiële en boekhoudkundige processen;
  • goede kennis van de IFRS-rapporteringsnormen en consolidatietechnieken;
  • kennis van en ervaring met fiscaliteit is een plus;
  • ervaring met of binnen beursgenoteerde ondernemingen is een belangrijke troef;
  • ervaring met of minstens interesse in het initiëren, trekken en implementeren van verbeterings- en veranderingstrajecten, het efficiënter maken van financiële processen;
  • sterke ervaring in het gebruik van MS Office tools en affiniteit met en/of ervaring met de implementatie en optimalisatie van het gebruik van financiële ERP(SAP)-systemen;
  • uitstekende people management skills en ervaring met het aansturen van mensen;
  • goede planning en organisatie skills;
  • Nederlandse moedertaal met goede beheersing van Frans en Engels;
  • kennis/affiniteit vastgoed is een pluspunt.


  • dynamisch, gedreven, ondernemend;
  • proactieve, autonome, pragmatische self-starter;
  • hands-on, met can-do mentaliteit;
  • grote zin voor initiatief, oplossingsgericht en resultaat gedreven;
  • uitstekende analytische vaardigheden met groot cijfermatig/financieel inzicht;
  • empatische people manager;
  • sterke teamspirit en inspirator, bruggenbouwer;
  • flexibel en stressbestendig, kunnen werken met scherpe deadlines;
  • nauwgezet en kritisch met zin voor detail, zonder het grotere geheel en het uiteindelijke doel uit het oog te verliezen, strategische visie;
  • uitstekende communicatieve vaardigheden, zowel geschreven als mondeling;
  • veranderingsgezind met een passie voor efficiëntie en effectiviteit in zowel de processen als besluitvorming.


Een uitdagende en boeiende functie binnen een sterke, groeiende beursgenoteerde groep en marktleider in zijn niche, waar u de drijvende kracht bent in de financiële administratie en de verdere professionalisering van financiële structuren, processen en systemen.

Een dynamische en aangename werkomgeving met: weinig hiërarchie en korte lijnen; vlugge beslissingen; een persoonlijke en informele werksfeer; met grote ruimte voor zelfinbreng en het hebben van impact en die werknemers aanmoedigt om van uit een ondernemersgeest te denken, initiatief te nemen en bij te dragen tot het succes van de onderneming.

De rol en cultuur van de onderneming biedt ruime mogelijkheden tot persoonlijke groei en ontwikkeling en de kans om samen met de onderneming als professional te groeien.

Een aantrekkelijk en marktconform salaris met extralegale voordelen waaronder een bedrijfswagen.


We zien graag je online sollicitatie tegemoet. Bezorg ons je cv, samen met de redenen voor je interesse en een relevante ervaringssamenvatting voor deze functie. Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met Anouk Melis: +32. 2.790.6881 of

  • Manager Vergabe & Kalkulation (all genders)

    Das Unternehmen                                          

    Unser Kunde ist einer der erfolgreichsten Bauträger und Projektentwickler in der Metropolregion München. Seit mehr als 40 Jahren realisiert unser Mandant individuelle Wohnimmobilien, die auf langfristige Wertstabilität ausgerichtet sind. Mit mehr als 6.500 fertiggestellten Wohneinheiten leistet er einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu einer zukunftsfähigen Stadtentwicklung.
    • Branche: Bauträger und Projektentwickler
    • Standort: Großraum München

    Ihre Aufgaben

    • Verantwortung und Durchführung der Beschaffungen von Bauleistungen und der zugehörigen Bau-/Ingenieurleistungen Leistungsphase LP 6 und 7
    • Aktive Mitwirkung bei Vergabeverhandlungen und Vertragsgestaltungen für Bauleistungen
    • Kalkulation & Kostenoptimierung
    • Massenermittlungen, LV-Erstellungen, Ausschreibungen und Angebotsauswertungen
    • Erarbeitung von Lieferanten- und Ausschreibungsstrategien
    • Aktive kaufmännische und vertragliche Beratung der Fachabteilungen
    • Erfassung der Projekte nach DIN 276 auf Basis von Einzelgewerken
    • Bauvorbereitung als Schnittstelle zwischen Projektentwicklung und Bauleitung
    • Begleitung und Unterstützung der Bauleitung bei administrativen Aufgaben

    Ihr Profil

    • Erfolgreich abgeschlossener technischer Studiengang (Wirtschafts-/Bauingenieurwesen oder Architektur)
    • Ausgeprägte vertragsrechtliche und betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse sowie ein gutes technisches Verständnis
    • Verhandlungsgeschick, sicheres und souveränes Auftreten sowie sehr gute mündliche und schriftliche Ausdrucksfähigkeit
    • Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung als Einkäufer für Bauleistungen sowie Bau-/ Ingenieurleistungen, Kalkulation oder Projektplanung/-abwicklung sind von Vorteil
    • Selbstständige, systematische und gut organisierte Arbeitsweise
    • Routinierter Umgang mit MS Office
    • Sie verfügen über gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse


    Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Online-Bewerbung (inklusive Zeugnisse, gerne mit Anschreiben) unter Angabe Ihrer Gehaltsvorstellung bzw. Ihres derzeitigen Gehalts und der Nennung Ihres frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermins. Unser Berater, Herr Matthias Ludwig wird sich mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen.

    Aus Gründen der besseren Lesbarkeit wird auf die gleichzeitige Verwendung der Sprachformen männlich, weiblich und divers (m/w/d) verzichtet. Sämtliche Personenbezeichnungen gelten gleichermaßen für alle Geschlechter.

  • Senior Manager Supply Chain Transformation (f/m/d)

    The Company

    • Sector: Management Consulting
    • Location: Belgium,Brussels


    In today’s VUCA world, supply chains are at the centre of the storm with disruptions occurring at a speed like never seen before. Supply lines are under pressure, costs are increasing, resources are getting scarce and customer confidence is declining. Companies must become more resilient and embed digital solutions and sustainability in their future ways of working. .

    With 800 consultants, operating from 35 offices and working in over 75 countries, our client is a global management consulting group currently supporting more than 1000 “Progression programs” every year.

    Their “Progression” motto, “Improving your results today, securing your results for tomorrow”, means balancing: (i) the implementation of structural changes & redesigned business models (Transformation), with (ii) tangible performance improvement in the short term (Boost) and  with (iii) the investment in the processes, assets, capabilities, leadership and culture needed to ensure target results are also realized in the medium/long term (Build) and therefore making progression sustainable. It is not only about generating results quickly, but also about moving the client in the direction where it will be able to generate results tomorrow and progress faster and better than the competition.

    Their approach, integrating value chain process optimization, digitalization, human dynamics and sustainability is: pragmatic in exploiting new technological opportunities, respectful, personalized, people-oriented and focused and committed to results rather than concepts. They cultivate long-term work relationships with their clients and their “tandem approach”, working “with” their clients and not “for” them, is central in their way of working.

    The success of their unique approach is reflected by a 90% client retention and an established and first-rate reputation with large, high-profile local and global players in various sectors, such as Chemical, Food & Beverage, Pharma & Biotech, Cosmetics, Aerospace & Defense, Automotive, Utilities/Telco, FMCG, Retail, Hospitals & Healthcare …and others. 

    To support and accelerate their further growth and ambition, their Belgian Office is now looking to recruit one or more Senior Manager(s) Supply Chain Transformation.

    A role with impact 

    As a Senior Manager Supply Chain Transformation, you will be a trusted advisor to our client’s customers and guide them through their large scale and often highly complex assessments and transformations of the end-to-end value chain. Through improvement programs, ranging from introducing specific processes (e.g. S&OP, reviewing the product portfolio, introducing procurement excellence, assessing and redesigning the physical footprint and product flow …) to using the latest developments in supply chain technology, digitalization and data analytics,… you are eager to maximize the supply chain performance of your clients. You commit to realize significant improvements in terms of: supply chain performance and flexibility, customer service delivery, reliability through the entire value chain and/or digital support of decision and planning processes to maximizing asset utilization while minimizing business risks.

    You will serve as the primary program contact for clients and play a key role in supporting them in their business progression programs. A pragmatic and strong performance mindset combined with excellent communications skills will guarantee successful and timely delivery. As a key local lead, you will deliver value to the client by adding tangible and sustainable value to their operations. 

    As an entrepreneurial and result driven candidate you will be expected to pick up a role in business development as well. When working for your clients, you will look beyond the project to capture the unmet needs and to try to position our client for further help and business. Furthermore, you will be developing new leads with your colleagues who are specialized in the same industry and/or expertise as you are.

    You will be primarily staffed on projects in Belgium and at the same time you will, if you desire, have the opportunity to work on international projects to develop an international career as Supply Chain doesn’t stop at country’s borders. In terms of development and innovation, you will be part of both local, regional and group communities, with plenty of opportunity to develop in your areas of choice.  As such, you will be encouraged to develop your network, working methods and certain leads at group level. You will also take part in the training curriculum of the company, which is in essence organised at an international level.

    Our client is looking to recruit an experienced, dynamic and enthusiastic candidate with business acumen and a proven track record in implementing large and strategic programs. A natural born leader who understands change management challenges, has excellent project management skills and the ability to pinpoint problems and act in a timely manner to mitigate any issues. At the same time, the candidate has a profound knowledge of how to design the end-to-end supply chain, including pockets of in depth expertise and preferably gained in Industrial Process-based Operations (chemicals, food & beverages, pharma, ...).

    Key responsibilities 

    • Project Management & Delivery: managing “in tandem with the client” the successful delivery of complex and challenging assignments transforming the supply chain from strategy to implementation, including all commercial -, financial -, project -, and people aspects and client relationship management. 
    • Client Management & Development: developing and/or maintaining strong client relationships and being recognized by them as a “trusted advisor”.  Taking advantage of your network to assist in growing the business through the origination of new opportunities and proposal development and enhancing the reputation of our client through the quality of own work, knowledge and experience.
    • Innovation: taking a leading role in development and innovation through the growing of intellectual capital and the support and development of other consultants and contributing to firm activities and internal knowledge management and sharing.
    • People Management: providing professional development opportunities, coaching, counseling and feedback for less senior team members and contributing to the annual performance evaluation process.

    Required Experience/Qualifications

    Ideally the candidate should have:

    • 7 to 15 years of experience in a consulting role covering multiple domains of the supply chain (e.g. distribution network design, transport, warehousing, forecasting, demand and supply planning, S&OP/IBP, Digital Supply Chain, Digital Twin, Sustainable Supply Chain…;
    • a minimum of 3 years experience with driving and managing large scale, complex and end-to-end transformation programs at multiple levels in an organization, implementing digital solutions;
    • solid change management expertise and solid, presentation - , workshop facilitation - and stakeholder management skills;
    • experience with business development, writing and reviewing proposals, elaborating estimates, financial forecasting and budget control; 
    • experience working on projects in various industries and not afraid of deep-diving in diverse and complex functional areas (e.g. Demand management & statistical forecasting, distribution network redesign, transport optimization, advanced planning & scheduling, multi echelon inventory optimization, trade-off cost/cash/service, procurement excellence …);
    • digital and data analytics savvy and up to date with latest supply chain technologies;
    • a master’s degree in a Business or Engineering related field complemented with an MBA or similar by experience is a plus as well as an international accepted certification in supply chain management such as SCOR-P model, APICS CSCP and/or APICS CPIM;
    • additional training combined with proven expertise in Lean, Continuous Improvement methodologies, 5S, …;
    • fluent in English and either Dutch or French, with professional proficiency in the other language.

    Your Profile

    Our client is seeking to hire an outstanding, competent and versatile individual with:

    • an entrepreneurial mind and real team player spirit, who demonstrates ownership by working independently on key activities;
    • high integrity and a passion for excellence and achieving high value for clients;
    • strong analytical and problem-solving skills;
    • solid business judgment, able to: (i) understand the impact of decisions on the organization as a whole; (ii) balance strategic and tactical issues and (iii), balance the content (hard) and people (soft) aspects of change initiatives;
    • proven ability to communicate and interact effectively at all levels (from the executive suite to the production floor) in small groups as well as with larger audiences, and to give persuasive advice and build strong business relationships;
    • effective interpersonal and coaching skills and proven ability to adapt and “getting things done” in complex organizations and in culturally different client environments;
    • a strong team and people orientation (empathy) and demonstrated leadership capabilities, able to drive collaboration and inclusion and to inspire and coach client teams and colleagues towards the targeted results and success;
    • a high level of intellectual agility and adaptability; an open, flexible, resilient, positive and pragmatic mind with a can-do attitude, able to think laterally and creatively in developing simple and bold solutions to complex problems;
    • a strong determination and sense of responsibility, high pro-activity, action and result-driven personality, with lots of energy and able to work independently;
    • a strong orientation toward achievement and persistence in overcoming obstacles and focusing on what matters, execution;
    • superior organizational and planning skills and able to work on different domains simultaneously and at times under high pressure and in fast changing circumstances;
    • an orientation to details without losing the bigger picture and keeping the final goal in mind;
    • good commercial acumen and strong interest and willingness to further develop this capability;
    • a strong commitment to further develop knowledge and skills in line with objectives and;
    • an openness for suggestions, respectful of others and honest about mistakes and proactively seeking and providing feedback;
    • a true scale up mentality to help grow the business.

    The Role Offers

    The possibility to work on challenging programs for top clients and an exciting opportunity for ambitious and entrepreneurial candidates, looking to accelerate their career and join a growing international leader in its field, with a clear strategy.

    Our client’s culture is inclusive, diverse, respectful and co-creative, direct, feedback driven, high performing and no-nonsense, where own initiative and taking on responsibilities is highly valued. Its working environment is entrepreneurial and dynamic with a flat hierarchy, transparent processes and short decision lines. It has a strong team spirit and flexible working models.

    The role will offer ample opportunities for personal development and growth and for someone with the right entrepreneurial spirit, initiative and drive, the possibility to be in charge of his/her own career and to help shape the future and growth of the practice and participate in its success.

    And a competitive salary package including a company car, insurances and a rewarding bonus system.


    If of interest, please apply online and provide us with your CV together with the reasons for your interest and relevant experience summary for this role. For further information, please call Pierre Melis: +32. 2.790.6880.


    Please feel free to forward this brief to an acquaintance should this not be of interest to you.

  • Senior Transformation Manager (f/m/d)

    The Company

    • Sector: Management Consulting
    • Location: Belgium, Brussels

    In today’s VUCA world the major question is how fast you can progress and what are the ways you can progress better and faster than your competitors. Accelerating Progression therefore becomes a key imperative for every business, and every unit within a business.

    With 600 consultants, operating from 35 offices and working in over 75 countries, our client is a global management consulting group currently supporting more than 1000 “Progression programs” every year. Their “Progression” motto, “Improving your results today, securing your results for tomorrow”, means balancing: (i) the implementation of structural changes & redesigned business models (Transformation), with (ii) tangible performance improvement in the short term (Boost)  and with (iii) the investment in the processes, assets, capabilities, leadership and culture needed to ensure target results are also realized in the medium/long term (Build) and therefore making progression sustainable. It is not only about generating results quickly, but also about moving the client in the direction where it will be able to generate results tomorrow and progress faster and better than the competition.

    Their approach, integrating process, digital, human dynamics and sustainability is: pragmatic in exploiting new technological opportunities, respectful, personalized, people-oriented and focused and committed to results rather than concepts. They cultivate long-term work relationships with their clients and their “tandem approach”, working “with” their clients and not “for” them, is central in their way of working.

    The success of their unique approach is reflected by their 90% client retention and their established and first-rate reputation with large, high-profile local and global players in various sectors, such as Food & Beverage, Pharma & Biotech, Chemicals, Cosmetics, Aerospace & Defense, Automotive, Utilities/Telco’s, Financial Services, FMCG, Retail, Hospitals & Healthcare …and others. 

    To support and accelerate their further growth and ambition and to leverage local market and cultural awareness and expertise, their Belgian Office is now looking to recruit one or more Senior Transformation Manager(s). Preferably with experience in Infrastructure-based Services and/or Industrial Process-based Operations.

    The Role

    As a Senior Transformation Manager you will be a trusted advisor to our client’s customers to guide them through their large scale and often highly complex end-to-end transformations. You aim to realize significant improvements in terms of: growth in sales and contribution, asset utilization, quality of service, customer satisfaction and/or reduction of business risks.

    You will serve as the primary program contact for clients and play a key role in supporting them in their business progression programs. A pragmatic and strong performance mindset combined with excellent communications skills will guarantee successful and timely delivery. As a key local lead, you will deliver value to the client by adding tangible and sustainable value to their operations. 

    As an entrepreneurial and result driven candidate you will be expected to pick up a role in business development as well. When working for your clients, you will look beyond the project to capture the unmet needs. Furthermore, you will be developing new leads with your colleagues that are specialized in the same industry and or expertise as you are.

    You will be primarily staffed on projects in Belgium and at the same time you will, if you desire, have the opportunity to work on international projects to develop an international career. In terms of development and innovation you will be part of both local and group communities, with plenty of opportunity to develop in your areas of choice.  As such, you will be encouraged to develop your network, working methods and certain leads at group level. You will also take part in the training curriculum of the company, which is in essence organised at an international level.

    Our client is looking to recruit an experienced, dynamic and enthusiastic candidate with strong business acumen and a proven track record in implementing large and strategic programs. A natural born leader who understands the change management challenges, has excellent project management skills and the ability to pinpoint problems and act in a timely manner to mitigate any issues. Preferably a candidate with experience in the sectors of Infrastructure-based Services” (electricity, gas, water, railways, airports and airlines, ports, hospitals, ...) or Industrial Process-based Operations (chemicals, food & beverages, pharma, ...).

    Key Responsibilities

    • Project Management & Delivery: managing “in tandem with the client” the successful delivery of complex and challenging assignments, including all commercial -, financial -, project -, people aspects and client relationship management.
    • Client Management & Development: developing and/or maintaining strong client relationships and being recognized by them as a “trusted advisor”; assisting in growing the business through the origination of new opportunities and proposal development and enhancing the reputation of our client through the quality of own work, knowledge and experience.
    • Innovation: taking a leading role in innovation and development through the growing of intellectual capital and the support and development of other consultants and contributing to firm activities and internal knowledge management and sharing.
    • People Management: providing professional development opportunities, coaching, counseling and feedback for less senior team members and contributing to the annual performance evaluation process.

    Required Experience/Qualifications

    Ideally the candidate should have:

    • a minimum of 10 years of business/operations experience in relevant positions in either a management consultancy or in a combination of consulting and project-based client work;
    • the majority of these years in either Infrastructure-based Services or Industrial Operations;
    • a minimum of 3 years with driving large scale and complex transformations and/or performance - and quality improvement projects/programs at multiple levels in an organization. And with Lean / Six Sigma and Digital Transformation as a plus;
    • experience in business process management, process modeling & analysis, operating model and organizational design and in deploying metrics and critical performance measures (e.g.: SLA’s, KPI’s);
    • working knowledge of project and program management practices and methodologies (certification highly preferred);
    • solid change management expertise and experience (certification highly preferred);
    • strong (workshop) facilitation, (steering) presentation and stakeholder management skills;
    • demonstrated leadership qualities with a proven track record in managing and coaching people towards the targeted results;
    • experience with writing and reviewing proposals, elaborating estimates, financial forecasting and budget control experience;
    • experience with working on projects in various industries and not afraid of deep-diving in diverse and complex functional areas (e.g. supply chain, manufacturing, …);
    • curious and multi-interested in the operational realties and future trends of a variety of industries (e.g., life sciences, manufacturing, public transport, ,…);
    • a master’s degree in a Business or Engineering related field preferably along with an MBA;
    • Fluent in Dutch, English and French.

    Your Profile

    Our client is seeking to hire an outstanding, competent and versatile individual with:

    • high integrity and a passion for excellence and achieving high value for clients;
    • solid business judgment, able to: (i) understand the impact of decisions on the organization as a whole; (ii) to balance strategic and tactical issues and (iii), to balance the content (hard) and people (soft) aspects of change initiatives;
    • a proven ability to communicate and interact effectively at all levels (from the executive suite to the production floor) in small groups as well as with larger audiences, and to give persuasive advice and build strong business relationships;
    • effective interpersonal and coaching skills and proven ability to adapt and “getting things done” in complex organizations and in culturally different client environments;
    • a strong team and people orientation (empathy) and a demonstrated leadership capability, able to drive collaboration and inclusion and to inspire and coach cross-functional/divisional teams to success;
    • a high level of intellectual agility and adaptability; an open, flexible, resilient, entrepreneurial, positive and pragmatic mind with a can-do attitude, able to think laterally and creatively in developing simple and bold solutions to complex problems;
    • a strong determination and sense of responsibility, high pro-activity, action and result-driven personality, with lots of energy and able to work independently;
    • a strong orientation toward achievement and persistence in overcoming obstacles and focusing on what matters, execution;
    • superior organizational and planning skills and able to work on different domains simultaneously and at times under high pressure and in fast changing circumstances;
    • an orientation to details without losing the bigger picture and keeping the final goal in mind;
    • good commercial acumen or strong interest and willingness to build this capability;
    • a strong commitment to further develop knowledge and skills in line with objectives and;
    • an openness for suggestions, respectful of others and honest about mistakes and proactively seeking and providing feedback.

    The Role Offers

    This is an exciting opportunity for ambitious and entrepreneurial candidates, looking to accelerate their career and join a growing international leader in its field, with a clear strategy.

    Our client’s culture is open and co-creative, direct, feedback driven, high performing and no-nonsense, where own initiative and taking on responsibilities is highly valued. Its working environment is pleasant with a flat hierarchy, transparent processes and short decision lines. It has a strong team spirit and flexible working models.

    The role will offer ample opportunities for personal development and growth and for someone with the right entrepreneurial spirit, initiative and drive, the possibility to be in charge of his/her own career and to help shape the future and growth of the practice and participate in its success.

    Career growth will be solely based on performance and demonstrated potential.


    If of interest, please apply online and provide us with your CV together with the reasons for your interest and relevant experience summary for this role. For further information, please call Anouk Melis: +32. 2.790.6881.

    Please feel free to forward this brief to an acquaintance should this not be of interest to you.